Monday, October 31, 2011


Have you found this Obsession?? Pinterest is so fun - and addicting. I'm finding so many great ideas and cool pictures and yummy recipes.

This is a picture for sale but aren't these cute. Rocks spray painted and covered with intricate crocheted doilies. How pretty this would look in a bowl or sitting in a pile next to a tub or down in a vase with a candle on top.

I honestly don't know if this came from Pinterest or from a blog but I love it.

Found the instructions for these - nothing to it and what a great way to keep your favorite scrap paper close to your heart! You can buy glass tiles in all sizes so earrings, necklaces...I wonder if they're heavy - you might be able to make a bracelet. I found the tiles on-line for about .30 each.

Now, this is awesome. I made jewelry boxes to hang on my wall (I cross-stitched quilt patterns for the fronts) but I think this is going to be a project. Time to hit garage sales (might be a little late in the season).

Okay, gotta get back to watching the Sing Off and making the Christmas crochet projects. Almost done...then on to something different. Gotta get started on the crocheted borders for cards and scrap pages. {I figure if I keep saying it, I'll get to it :D }

Have a great week. Hey, look for a way to be blessing to someone else - pay for the person behind you in the fast food line (you'd be amazed how it will pump you up). Thanks for stopping by, Susan

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