Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a new year

It's a new year and it's time I get serious about some things.

1. Lose weight - really. Stop fooling around and get it done. My son and his fiance are planning to marry in 2013 so I have a year. And, my sisters are both looking good and I need to join them :) Okay, I won't be completely vain - I'm not getting any younger and this weight is only going to cause more health issues.

2. Get back into relationship with Father God. Too long I've stayed on the fringe. It is time to live like Esther and realize that I was created for such a time as this. I go thru the ups and downs of life to serve really isn't about me.

3. Scrapping and card-making. I love these hobbies. I need to devote time to them again. Get excited and try new things. Our troops may be pulling out of Iraq but they are still fighting in Afghanistan. I need to recommit to making cards so they can use them to write home ( Plus I need to seriously up my game in scrapping. I want to make a scrapbook for my son and fiance to chronicle this next year as they plan the wedding.

4. Get all those VHS tapes onto to DVD. Okay, I know this isn't earth-shattering or even that important in the great scheme of things but I bought a machine to tape all my VHSs to DVDs and I need to get moving. I want my grandkids (that I hope to have someday) to watch all the Disney movies that their daddy grew up with. His favorite was So Dear To My Heart.

I'm putting this here, in writing, for all to see (okay the 3 or 4 of you who actually read this). I have been somewhat lethargic of late (partly due to anemia but mostly due to laziness) and I need to change...I want to change.

Happy New Year. Keep your heart open ... your creativity does change lives (even if it is just a smile on someone's face). Susan

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