Here are some pages from the Heritage album I did for my Aunt.
My maternal Grandparent's 50th Anniversary party
Grandpa and his girls (my mom is on left)
Maternal grandparents
Great Aunt (maternal g-ma's sister
maternal G-pa - don't know why some of these pages are sideways
My mom's family
My great, great g-parents
my great g-parents
My maternal g-ma and her sister (my favorite great aunt)
my maternal line (thru my grandmother)
My great, great, great g-parents
my great, great, great, great grandfather - the father of American Entomology (Frederick Melsheimer)
My grandmother and great aunt grew African violets and showed them
I had a hard time starting this book but once I did, it went quickly. History is so fascinating. Now I'm playing on to find out more and more info on my family.
Thanks for stopping by and looking. Have an awesome week, Susan