Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lord, change my attitude - 3

Covetousness, rampant in the Western world and in the evangelical church, blocks the flow of God's fullness in our lives.

Covetous is: wanting wrong things, wanting right things for wrong reasons, wanting right things at the wrong time, wanting right things but wanting them in wrong amounts.

More of anything other than God will never fill that longing for fulfillment He has placed within you and me.

Covetous becomes sin when we yield. When we obey the covetous demands of our old nature and yield, we have gone from attitude sin to action sin. When we yield, we've ignored the warning signs.

When we dwell on desire, yielding is only a matter of time. You create rationalization in order to get the thing you want. Covetousness inflates the desire while it ignores the danger.

At the root of covetousness is a rejection of God's sufficiency. God has provided for our basic needs. The question is, will we be grateful and satisfied with God and His provision for us? Or will we covet more and better and different?

God, I just want You. All Your joy and peace and fullness and friendship, and that's enough for me.

Nothing is essential but God. Beware of begging God for nonessentials. In time you may hate what you had to have.

Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness, and covetousness is part of murmuring. God puts people in a wilderness existence when they want things other than Him.

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