Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I spent a long weekend in Louisiana visiting my nieces and nephew and my Mom's husband. It was a good weekend - well, except for the car accident (not our fault)! I miss my mom and sister. Even though we didn't see each other or talk on the phone enough, I did love them so much.

This trip confirmed how important my other sisters are to me. We may fuss and fight but we are sisters and friends. Nothing will break that bond. I love you, Terri and Debbie.

Seeing my mom's house was not as hard as I thought it would be. A few times I caught myself alone in a room and the tears threatened as I thought about Mom. I'm sure when I sit down and start using the craft things I got from her house, I'll feel heavy emotion - touching things she touched.

We were hit from behind by a young girl who had her license a whole month! Not much damage to either car and no injuries save sore muscles. I didn't have my proof of insurance on me (and I'm an insurance agent :) I had it emailed to me and then had to print it off (fortunately we were right in front of an office supply store). The lady asked what service my phone card in my computer was. I told her Verizon. She was very surprised - "No one can get Verizon service on their computers here - you must have had an angel watching over you." I have Someone better than an angel - I have the Creator and Master of the angels watching over me (wished I would have thought to say that to her as a witness).

God is so good.

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